Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Preparation for Meeting Two

Group 1 is meeting this Thursday to discuss and establish our areas of interest for a research project. We will arrive prepared and we aim to come up with a workable plan which will create a successful research project proposal, suitable for everyone.


- We will first complete the GLA

- Secondly we will share our ideas and decide on the most appropriate/interesting topic

- We will discuss/research useful books for our chosen topic

- We will create a time plan to identify how to use our time more efficiently and assign roles to one another

- We will post our meetings and ideas on the blog

- Complete our project proposal


- We will also try and use google docs more regularly

These are our aims to complete by the end of Week 3. We will next post during/after this meeting.

1 comment:

  1. Still very curious to know what this project will be. If you're still undecided, the book by Wray and Bloomer 'Projects in Linguistics' may be useful...
